Thursday, September 22, 2005

Philippians 3:7

Textus Receptus:
αλλ ατινα ην μοι κερδη ταυτα ηγημαι δια τον χριστον ζημιαν

King James:
But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.

gain...loss: Jesus uses the same two words in Matthew 16:26 when he contends that a man gets nothing if he "gains" the whole world and "loses" his own soul. Instead of losing his soul for the gain of the world, Paul chooses to lose the gain of the world to gain (same word, translated "win" in the next verse) Christ.

Expanded Paraphrase:
However, all those things I did and had, all the things I used to believe made me complete--through Christ I learned to regard them as useless and maybe even detrimental.


RF2R2 said...

I find these devotions a great source of accessible encouragement and teaching during my day - thank you and keep it up.

Kc said...

Dr. Creamer I noticed Devotions and Ideas is nearing a one-year anniversary. I’m not qualified to critique but I can say I’ve certainly been blessed reading your work here. I would like to thank you for the commentary and especially for the three doctrinal statements. I hope you’ll be able to continue this work for many years to come.

Anonymous said...

Prof. Creamer,

I do so enjoy your devotional blogs. I especially liked this one, and it reminded me of 1 Corinthians 13, where it says that anything we do without love is absolutely nothing...worthless. In the same way Philippians 3:7 is saying that anything we do to "gain" in the world without Christ is worthless. Since, Christ *is* love, it means the same thing. Please continue to post your blogs!!!