Monday, November 19, 2007

Philippians 4:9

Majority Text:
κα μθετε κα παρελβετε κα κοσατε κα εδετε ν μο τατα πρσσετε κα θες τς ερνης σται μεθ' μν

Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

both learned, and received, and heard, and seen: Using "kai" repeatedly between terms as it is in this verse gives the force of "not only, but also" included in the KJV as "both". The point is that as the list progresses, it is accumulating force. Learning and receiving from Paul are important, but as he intends it here, not nearly as important as hearing and seeing in him the things earlier learned and received. Paul is demonstrating the kind of leadership valued in Hebrews 13:7.

and the God of peace shall be with you: Of course, since the Philippians received this letter from an imprisoned man, it makes sense that Paul would remind them that if they follow his testimony, even into material loss, they will still have what gives him satisfaction, which is the point to which he turns in the following verses.

Expanded Paraphrase:
You learned from me how you ought to think and live. And you embraced what I taught you. But you have also heard the testimony of my life, and have seen the fact that I practice what I have taught you. You practice it too. And as you make that commitment, remember as well that the same God who has given me purpose and peace even in my incarceration will be with you as well.

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