Thursday, July 21, 2005

Philippians 2:30

Textus Receptus:
οτι δια το εργον του χριστου μεχρι θανατου ηγγισεν παραβουλευσαμενος τη ψυχη ινα αναπληρωση το υμων υστερημα της προς με λειτουργιας

King James:
Because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death, not regarding his life, to supply your lack of service toward me.

for the work of Christ...not regarding his life: Here, Paul uses Epaphroditus' testimony to make the same point about the value of serving Christ that he made using his own testimony in chapter 1:21.

lack of service: Paul does not mention this lack as a criticism toward the Philippians, as if to say, "Epaphroditus did what you would not." Instead, lack only implies the need unmet until the Philippians sent to help, just as the Corinthians ministered to the "want" of the saints in 2 Corinthians 9:12.

Expanded Paraphrase:
His faithfulness is evident in the fact that he almost died on account of his commitment to Christ's work, neglecting his own life to minister to me what I needed and had yet to receive from you.

1 comment:

sofyst said...

Perhaps you can help me Mr. Philippian Scholar. Do you know why in 3:19 the 'their' in 'their end is destructive' cannot be interpreted as if Paul was using synecdoche here? I'm discussing with a universalist friend, and that is his explanation. 'Their' is describing that which is evil and wicked within all men, it will be destroyed. Whereas, 'our' being that which is good and righteous within all men, will be citizens in heaven...