Thursday, June 09, 2005

Philippians 2:17

Textus Receptus:
αλλ ει και σπενδομαι επι τη θυσια και λειτουργια της πιστεως υμων χαιρω και συγχαιρω πασιν υμιν

King James:
Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.

offered: The Greek word means "poured out" like a drink offering would have been, and provides the etymology for the English word "spend."

sacrifice and service: Here, "sacrifice" refers to what Paul has been teaching the Philippians throughout the first half of this chapter, the commitment he wants them to make to foregoing their own glory in favor of caring for one another and therefore the will of God. "Service," which is the Greek word transliterated into "liturgy" in English, refers to the public ministry of, for instance, a priest. In this case it is about the Philippians "holding forth the word of life" as in the previous verse.

Expanded Paraphrase:
Indeed, if my entire life is used up to bring about the maturity of your faith and what will come from that faith--your being given completely to God's will, serving Him in this world--then it will have been worth it all. I rejoice just thinking about it, knowing my life would have been spent so. I rejoice with all of you knowing that your lives would be so used by God.

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