Friday, February 02, 2007

Philippians 4:5

Majority Text:
το επιεικες υμων γνωσθήτω πασιν ανθρώποις. ο Κύριος εγγύς.

Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.

moderation: The moderation required in this verse is the gentleness of James 3:17, for example. The Greek word conveys the importance of responding appropriately to circumstances. It is the spirit of the qualifier, "as much as lies in you," in Romans 12:18.

unto all men: Paul certainly does not want moderation to be a show. There is no reason to assume his desire here is inconsistent with Ephesians 6:5-7, where he disdains doing things in order for men to see. Moderation is apparent to men because it is practiced in public and relational settings, and it is obviously in contrast with the natural behavior of men.

The Lord is at hand: While this phrase can imply temporal proximity--that the Lord will return soon--it seems in the context of the previous verse and from the contrasting meaning of moderation that here it means spatial proximity. That is, the reason a believer's behavior can be appropriately responsive to circumstances and at the same time governed primarily (or even solely) by the Lord's influence is that the most important, real part of any believer's circumstance is the Lord. He is "right here," so to speak, even when His presence is not obvious to a natural man.

Expanded Paraphrase:
As men observe you, let them see that you neither simply react nor over-react to any circumstance, no matter how excessive a reaction it might provoke in anyone else. Let them see instead that the most important part of any circumstance for you is the Lord's presence. Let them see in your behavior what you see in truth--that the Lord is always with you.

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